Mindful Family

Randi Abell, YMCA of Central Virginia Association Director of Community Health, shares some tips on stress management. 

  • Take a walk with the family or walk the dog, practice self-care techniques like taking a relaxing bath, read a book, virtual call or video with a friend, or snuggle and watch a movie with your kids. Skip the alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
  • Maintain a routine as much as you can.  Attempt to go to bed and wake up in the morning on your usual schedule. Eat your meals at consistent and normal time throughout the day. 
  • Make eating together at home a positive experience - whether it is homemade or takeout, eating more meals at home is a new routine for many families. Keep the stress down by making mealtime fun.
  • Reconnect with the family—eat together at the table or spread a blanket on the floor and have an indoor picnic. Be sure to separate mealtime and TV time—watching while eating makes it too easy to pay attention to TV and not your food, so you are likely to overeat. Wonder what to talk about at mealtime? Chat about things you will do this summer, tell jokes—just keep the conversation upbeat and fun.